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  • #404 Dec 11, 2011

    Can you implement attack animation and blocking animation for the NPCs?

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  • #406 Dec 11, 2011

    Can you implement attack animation and blocking animation for the NPCs?

    Animations is something for last

    I made you a banner.


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  • #408 Dec 11, 2011

    changelog 0.7.0

    • Attack strength now saves properly
    • Added 32 skin textures thanks to xSparky
    • Added adjustable walking speed
    • Added adjustable npc size
    • Added ability to toggle names
    • You can choose to let npcs fight back/run around or do nothing when attacked
    • Npcs can now say lines when attacked or attacking
    • Npcs can now say lines when interacted with
    • Npcs can now say random lines without any interaction
    • Added sitting correction making the npcs sit correctly on steps and modded chairs etc

    nice but can i help you make this mod for smp i really like it and would like to make it for my server please reply :biggrin.gif: :biggrin.gif: :biggrin.gif:

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  • #409 Dec 11, 2011

    Not gonna lie…when you "fixed" how NPCs sat on stairs, it kinda made them float on top….

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  • #410 Dec 11, 2011

    Not gonna lie…when you "fixed" how NPCs sat on stairs, it kinda made them float on top….

    Somewhere in the GUI it says fix sitting position, click it.

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  • #412 Dec 11, 2011

    Awesome mod, may I suggest a way to easily make a new phrase for them to say?
    If you need any skins, I would happily make some awesome pngs. I would love to make an assassin!

    Atm Im only looking for variations on the steve model. So if you could make a Steve assassin, Id be grateful.

    Im not quite sure what you mean with: a way to easily make a new phrase for them to say. Isnt it already pretty easy to make them say new phrases?

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  • #413 Dec 11, 2011

    I had a great idea, how about an option to make the NPCs spawn riding a pig, or any other animal ?



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  • #414 Dec 11, 2011

    I was about to write an awesome post here, but then I took an arrow to the knee...
    Hey Noppes, I just want you to know, if you ever have trouble with the mod, Don't come to me. If you want skins and banners, THEN COME TO ME :biggrin.gif:I was thinking I might do a slave skin, and a wizard, and maybe a spy, so if anyone else says they gonna do em say KingMiner said he's doin them. P.S I'm on my iPad so it'll have to wait till tomorrow

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  • #415 Dec 11, 2011

    I was about to write an awesome post here, but then I took an arrow to the knee...
    Hey Noppes, I just want you to know, if you ever have trouble with the mod, Don't come to me. If you want skins and banners, THEN COME TO ME :biggrin.gif:

    I was thinking I might do a slave skin, and a wizard, and maybe a spy, so if anyone else says they gonna do em say KingMiner said he's doin them. P.S I'm on my iPad so it'll have to wait till tomorrow

    すみません、 I already made a wizard, but if you could make it look better, than that will be nice, but if you can, could you make Assassins, Bandits, Knight?Noppess, can you fix a bug ( or was it intentional?) , that when a snowball hits an npc, the Interact line is triggered

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  • #416 Dec 11, 2011

    Noppess, can you fix a bug ( or was it intentional?) , that when a snowball hits an npc, the Interact line is triggered

    Actually, I kind of like this feature! :biggrin.gif:

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  • #417 Dec 12, 2011

    すみません、 I already made a wizard, but if you could make it look better, than that will be nice, but if you can, could you make Assassins, Bandits, Knight?

    Noppess, can you fix a bug ( or was it intentional?) , that when a snowball hits an npc, the Interact line is triggered

    Oh is the interact line triggered. Are you sure it isnt the attacked line?

    Ah I think you might be right I might be able to fix that

    Last edited by Noppes: Dec 12, 2011

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  • #418 Dec 12, 2011

    Changelog 0.7.2

    • Fixed thrown damage triggering interact lines
    • Npcs wont run around anymore after respawning

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  • #420 Dec 12, 2011

    Changelog 0.7.3

    • ItemGivers now give items when you interact with them instead of when you get close to them.
    • ItemGivers can now be given lines to say when they give you items
    • Standing/Lying/Sitting npcs should now properly walk back(most of the time)
    • Sitting npcs should not flicker anymore

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  • #421 Dec 12, 2011

    What would you add on the next major update?

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  • #422 Dec 12, 2011

    What would you add on the next major update?

    Im thinking about how to do mercenaries

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  • #424 Dec 12, 2011

    This Mod Is Still F***ing Amazing... Just Saying.

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  • #426 Dec 12, 2011

    Changelog 0.7.4

    • Npc not attacking fix

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  • #428 Dec 12, 2011

    This is just a little thing, but can you please make it to where the friendly mobs will help you attack hostile ones and make friendly npcs fight back if you hit them and make it right click to talk to them. I don't want to be pushy, by all means if your busy ignore this.

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  • #429 Dec 12, 2011

    This is just a little thing, but can you please make it to where the friendly mobs will help you attack hostile ones and make friendly npcs fight back if you hit them and make it right click to talk to them. I don't want to be pushy, by all means if your busy ignore this.

    Yea next update would have had the right click thing to interact. And do you mean friendly npcs attacking hostile npcs, because you said mobs.

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  • #430 Dec 12, 2011

    Yea next update would have had the right click thing to interact. And do you mean friendly npcs attacking hostile npcs, because you said mobs.

    Yeah I meant your Npcs,thanks for replying by the way this mod is great.

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